Privacy Statement (Privacy Policy)

In order to carry out any transaction through the online store of “NIKOSBIKES” to place orders for the company’s products, you will be required to disclose some of your personal information. When you place an order, we will ask for your full name, the address to which the products will be shipped, your landline or mobile phone number, and your email address.
This data is processed by the company in compliance with the application of article 7A par. 1 (b) Law 2472/1997, of the EU Directive for data protection of 1995 (DPD), as well as of the Regulation for the general data protection of EU (GDPR) with effect from 25 May 2018 in order to implement the order placed by the customer and in no way will be disclosed, disclosed or sold to third parties, unless the procedure set by the legislation for the removal of confidentiality is initiated (Law 2225/1994) or any obligations arising from the national application of Directive 24/2006.


NIKOSBIKES.GR uses the SSL protocol to certify the security of your data and the data that circulates through the website. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is now the global standard for identifying websites to Internet users and for encrypting data between Internet users and web servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires that all information sent between a client and a server be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information during its transfer. In addition, all information sent with the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically detects whether the data has changed during the transfer.

In addition, personal security is the password you give when you become a member of the NIKOSBIKES.GR website
In order to access any personal information you have registered on the NIKOSBIKES.GR website, you must first enter the username and password in the user login form of the website.For this reason, you should ensure that this information is kept safe so that it is not compromised by third-party users or unwanted malware. When creating a password we advise you to use at least 8 characters which will consist of Latin lowercase and uppercase characters, numbers and special symbols.